Senior Portrait Sessions: Welcome Seniors!

Sessions are $175 and include:

Pre-session phone consultation: We'll cover everything from locations,

to what to wear to tailoring a session that suits your style and personality.

Approximately 1-2 hours of coverage in studio or on location with multiple settings

Up to 4 outfit changes

Private on line proofing gallery with approximately 40-75 images to select from


Family and Children Sessions are $150 and that includes:

Pre-session phone consultation: Custom session planning and clothing tips

Approximately 1-2 hours of coverage at a location of your choice

or in your home using a natural setting and/or our professional portrait studio

1-2 outfit changes

Private on line proofing gallery with approximately 40-75 images to select from


 Executive Head Shots are $185

and include:

Pre- Session phone consultation: Clothing consultation

2 outfit changes

Approximately 1 hour coverage at your work place

Professional studio or natural setting

Private on line proofing gallery with approximately 20-30 images to select from

Retouched Digital Images for Web and social media use












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